Friday, March 30, 2007


Today was payday. So, I took a walk downtown and picked up the Marvel Spotlight Civil War:Aftermath issue.

A good read, very interesting.

Now, on to the Omega Flight goodies...

in the interview with Michael Avon Oeming (writer) and Scott Kolins (artist), we learn...
- Talisman and U.S. Agent run the team.
- Julia Carpenter (Arachne) and her daughter Rachelle are looking forward to life in Canada.
- John Walker and Julia Carpenter have a history together (Force Works team) that allows them to get over their differences on superhero registration.
- only minor flashbacks are in the works for Beta Ray Bill at this time.
- the death of Alpha Flight has drawn Sasquatch and Talisman very close together.
- Scott and Mike have tons of cool ideas for Sasquatch, that they hope to use when this mini becomes an ongoing.
- both Mike and Scott pitched separate ideas to Marvel about another Alpha Flight series, but were both turned down.
- Scott still hopes to one day have a series telling old untold stories of the original Alpha Flight team.
- Mike says he did talk to John Byrne about using Talisman and Sasquatch.

- Spotlight: Are any other "Flights" running around that we need to know about? Is Alpha Flight still intact and, say, taking care of Alberta or Manitoba or something? Or is Omega Flight currently the only group of heroes in the Canadian scene?
Michael: I don't know my full Latin, so there could be...
Scott: Wait, didn't Bendis kill Alpha Flight? I thought I heard that?
Spotlight: Ahhh...cagey answers! I like it!

- Michael: Hey, if they (the fans) want to see more, let's just make sure they pre-order the book. Solid numbers is what we need. If the support is there, it's there and we get to do more. If not, it's not the end of Omega or Alpha Flight. Remember, it's Marvel, where Hell has an open door policy.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

News, Evidence, And Excitement

Below are three direct quotes from Civil War:Battle Damage Report. The Italics have been added by me, to highlight somethign both exciting and extraordinary...

Read on, true believer!

Making matters worse, several key members of Canada's government-sponsored super-team Alpha Flight (the group that would normally respond to such a potential crisis) seemingly perished during a confrontation with the Collective months ago, leaving the nation virtually defenseless.

...many of Alpha Flight's members attempted to confront him...few survived. With the majority of Alpha Flight gone...

One of the few survivors of the Original Alpha Flight, brilliant biophysicist Sasquatch can transform into the form of his namesake.

Question - Does this really sound like ONLY Sasquatch survived the battle with the Collective, Postman Mike, the new Guardian? I...Think...Not!

In other news, I am most excited about future comics-reading today. As of today, my batch of 65 Alpha Flight Volume 1 and 2 comics that I ordered from E-Bay should have gone into the mail system.
Also, very soon now my first batch of comics ordered through my online comicbook shop should be ready to ship to me - these include The Essential Defenders Volume 1 Trade Paperback, Gen 13 Starting Over Trade Paperback, The Justice Society Volume 1 Trade Paperback, The Justice Society Returns Trade Paperback, and two issues of Omega Flight # 1.

I think i died and went to comic book heaven!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Who Is Brian Reber?

Brian Reber is the awesome colorist working on Omega Flight, and he occasionally frequents the Alpha Flight Forum to post his thoughts and talk to his fans.

You can check out Brian's DeviantArt site and see a lot fo his cool artwork by clicking on the link below. Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Omega Flight Three Cover Preview

A preview of the cover for Omega Flight Issue 3.

It's very beautiful, exceptional art, and definitely the best colouring job I have ever seen in comics.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

New Goodies! New Omega Goodies!


Finally, some good news. New artwork!

The following six pictures represent pages of artwork that will be appearing in issue 1 of Omega Flight, due to hit newstands next month.

A close look sees the true homage and resoect being paid to the roots of Alpha Flight, and it's heroes who have gone before.

Also, news is that the leader of Omega Flight will, for all intents and purposes, be Talisman, with help from U.S. Agent.

Enjoy the pics! And do not forget to click on them to see them in all their magnificent glory!

Also, here is anew page featuring Arachne, courtesy of the latest Ms Marvel comic.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Reviewing AF Vol 1 Issues 51-60

Volume 1, Issue 51
October 1987
Art by Jim Lee
Story by Bill Mantlo
Title: Friends In High Places!

Art - 9
Story - 6
Intangibles - 9


Volume 1, Issue 52
November 1987
Art by June Brigman
Story by Bill Mantlo
Title: Specters!

Art - 8
Story - 4
Intangibles - 5


Volume 1, Issue 53
December 1987
Art by Jim Lee
Story by Bill Mantlo
Title: A Blast From The Past!

Art - 7
Story - 7
Intangibles - 8


Volume 1, Issue 54
January 1988
Art by Hugh Waynes
Story by Bill Mantlo
Title: Goblyn!

Art - 6
Story - 5
Intangibles - 8


Volume 1, Issue 55
February 1988
Art by Jim Lee
Story by Bill Mantlo
Title: Identity Crisis!

Art - 8
Story - 7
Intangibles - 9


Volume 1, Issue 56
March 1988
Art by Jim Lee
Story by Bill Mantlo
Title: Have You Ever Heard A Spaceship Scream?

Art - 7
Story - 3
Intangibles - 6


Volume 1, Issue 57
April 1988
Art by Jim Lee
Story by Bill Mantlo
Title: Life

Art - 9
Story - 3
Intangibles - 6


Volume 1, Issue 58
May 1988
Art by Jim Lee
Story by Bill Mantlo
Title: Liveworld

Art - 8
Story - 6
Intangibles - 8


Volume 1, Issue 59
June 1988
Art by Jim Lee
Story by Bill Mantlo
Title: Comes A Dragon!

Art - 6
Story - 6
Intangibles - 7


Volume 1, Issue 60
July 1988
Art by Jim Lee
Story by Bill Mantlo
Title: War! What Is It Good For?

Art - 7
Story - 9
Intangibles - 9


In my opinion, these ten issues of Volume 1 of Alpha Flight were absolute trash. There were very few ways in which this series resembles it's grandiose beginnings under Mr John Byrne, and certainly no similarities between the characters ruined by Mr Mantlo and the ones lovingly created by JB. The artistry is very average under Jim Lee, who now handles the vast majority of the pencilling chores on this comic series. I just do not buy into "Madison Jeffries is a living starship and Alpha Flight is hurtling through space" as a viable way for a writer to script this series; it is totally unbelievable, completely out of character, and really really lame. Mr Bill Mantlo has destroyed almost everything that was good about this series, in a very short amount of time. The Laura Dean/Goblyn plot is interesting, but perhaps too much time is spent on it, leading ot the inevitable overkill theory. All in all, Mr Mantlo has to go, and soon, in order for this comic to rise to greatness again from the ashes that now covers our heroes and this series.

Particularly strong comics overall are...there are none. But issue 60 is somewhat decent.

All in all, on a scale of 300, these ten issues scored 206.
This is an average of 20.6/30 for each of these ten comics.
Percentage score is 68.6%.

Letter grade for these ten comics = D

I hope you enjoyed my review of these comics.

On to the nex batch of ten! Click below!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Reviewing AF Vol 1 Issues 41-50

Volume 1, Issue 41
December 1986
Art by David Ross
Story by Bill Mantlo
Title: It's Not Easy Being Purple

Art - 10
Story - 7
Intangibles - 9


Volume 1, Issue 42
January 1987
Art by David Ross
Story by Bill Mantlo
Title: Auction

Art - 8
Story - 6
Intangibles - 9


Volume 1, Issue 43
February 1987
Art by David Ross
Story by Bill Mantlo
Title: Strike Across The Border!

Art - 9
Story - 6
Intangibles - 8


Volume 1, Issue 44
March 1987
Art by David Ross
Story by Bill Mantlo
Title: Plague!

Art - 9
Story - 6
Intangibles - 7


Volume 1, Issue 45
April 1987
Art by June Brigman
Story by Bill Mantlo
Title: Resurrection

Art - 10
Story - 10
Intangibles - 10


Volume 1, Issue 46
May 1987
Art by June Brigman
Story by Bill Mantlo
Title: Friends...And Lovers

Art - 10
Story - 10
Intangibles - 8


Volume 1, Issue 47
June 1987
Art by Mike Mignola & Steve Purcell
Story by Bill Mantlo & Craig Brasfield
Title: You Can't Tell The Forest From The Trees

Art - 7
Story - 5
Intangibles - 7


Volume 1, Issue 48
July 1987
Art by Terry Shoemaker
Story by Bill Mantlo
Title: Madness

Art - 10
Story - 10
Intangibles - 8


Volume 1, Issue 49
August 1987
Art by June Brigman
Story by Bill Mantlo
Title: Flesh Of My Flesh!

Art - 9
Story - 9
Intangibles - 8


Volume 1, Issue 50
September 1987
Art by June Brigman
Story by Bill Mantlo
Title: This Mortal Coil!

Art - 10
Story - 7
Intangibles - 2


In my opinion, these ten issues of Volume 1 of Alpha Flight were a horrid ill-conceived mess. Mr Mantlo seemed to suddenly decide to put his own stamp on this series, and what a stamp it ended up to be! Northstar slowly dying, Sasquatch returning as a female, the death of a number of Alphans at the hands of their own teammates, the introduction of the first few members of the new Beta Flight, the continued re-writing and humiliating of Puck, an Alpha Flight love triangle...need I go on. And this is mentioning nothing about issue 50, where he tries to change ever single character in one fell swoop! Horrible creative and writing decisions abound throughout these ten issues. That being said, on to the art. The stellar artwork of David Ross began, to me, to lose a little of its lustre, and I was glad when he was replaced by the very talented June Brigman in issue 45. As for other details, I thought one of the worst Alpha Flight stories ever debuted in issue number 47; it was much more of a sci-fi story than a Flight story. The new look Box with Madison Jeffiries in the armour was a treat, although i certainly did not agree with the ease with which he killed his own brother. The opening 2-page recap in issue 46 was another example of Bill Mantlo's pen going on and on and on like the Energizer Bunny, it was overkill! On a good note, the rebirth of Sasquatch in issue 45 was one not to be missed by any Alpha fan.

Particularly strong comics overall is issue 45.

All in all, on a scale of 300, these ten issues scored 244.
This is an average of 24.4/30 for each of these ten comics.
Percentage score is 81.3%.

Letter grade for these ten comics = B-

I hope you enjoyed my review of these comics.

On to the next batch of ten! Click below!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Reviewing AF Vol 1 Issues 31-40

Volume 1, Issue 31
February 1986
Art by Mike Mignola
Story by Bill Mantlo
Title: The Grateful Dead!

Art - 18
Story - 10
Intangibles - 8


Volume 1, Issue 32
March 1986
Art by John Bogdanove
Story by Bill Mantlo
Title: Short Story!

Art - 9
Story - 10
Intangibles - 6


Volume 1, Issue 33
April 1986
Art by Sal Buscema
Story by Bill Mantlo
Title: A Friend In Need

Art - 10
Story - 8
Intangibles - 9


Volume 1, Issue 34
May 1986
Art by Sal Buscema
Story by Bill Mantlo
Title: Honor

Art - 10
Story - 6
Intangibles - 5


Volume 1, Issue 35
June 1986
Art by David Ross
Story by Bill Mantlo
Title: The Child Is Father To The Man

Art - 10
Story - 8
Intangibles - 7


Volume 1, Issue 36
July 1986
Art by David Ross
Story by Bill Mantlo
Title: Labor Pains

Art - 10
Story - 10
Intangibles - 10


Volume 1, Issue 37
August 1986
Art by David Ross
Story by Bill Mantlo
Title: Death Birth

Art - 10
Story - 8
Intangibles - 9


Volume 1, Issue 38
September 1986
Art by David Ross
Story by Bill Mantlo
Title: Pestilence!

Art - 10
Story - 9
Intangibles - 9


Volume 1, Issue 39
October 1986
Art by David Ross
Story by Bill Mantlo
Title: The Invasion Of Atlantis!

Art - 10
Story - 10
Intangibles - 10


Volume 1, Issue 40
November 1986
Art by David Ross
Story by Bill Mantlo
Title: Love

Art - 10
Story - 9
Intangibles - 8


In my opinion, these ten issues of Volume 1 of Alpha Flight were all about change. Change in the series, change in the characters (okay, okay - that one has always been an Alpha Flight staple), change in artists. Unfortunately for Mr Bill Mantlo, one of those changes happened to be "change in the history of the characters" , which led to poor marks by me in the category of Intangibles. The artistry improved immensely when "Canada's own" David Ross came on board in issue number 35; I cannot say enough about his talent with the pencil, he is the best thing art-wise to happen to AF since John Byrne himself. The stories themselves remained strong and compelling for the most part within these ten issues; it was merely the changing of background information amongst the characters that caused some concern among Flight fans world-wide. I actually did not personally mind the story of Razer as relates to Puck, merely I lamented that it did not fit with Puck as he had been created and written by John Byrne. I also abhored the retelling of Wolverine's origin whereby blame and doubt is placed on James Hudson for possibly being responsible for creating Wolverine.We got to see the return of villains like Deadly Ernest, as well as the creation of new villains. These issues allowed us many crossover opportunities, with Namor and Dr Strange and the Mighty Avengers making appearances within their pages. We also got to see some interesting superhero family dynamics; like what happens when a demi-goddess does not know if she wants to be mortal anymore, how a demi-goddess gives birth, and what happens when a powerful Father and Daughter reach a point of impasse in their relationship. We also got to see the thought process behind Heather Hudson putting on the power suit and taking the name of Vindicator.

Particularly strong comics overall are issues 36 and 39, followed by issue 38.

All in all, on a scale of 300, these ten issues scored 266.
This is an average of 26.6/30 for each of these ten comics.
Percentage score is 88.6%.

Letter grade for these ten comics = B+

I hope you enjoyed my review of these comics.

On to the next batch of ten! Click below!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

"Civil War:The Initiative" breaks the silence on The Man In The Suit

Civil War:The Initiative came out recently, and dropped the bomb on AF fans.

What's the big deal?

Well, the story told us that Mike Pointer (aka Mike the Mailman, aka the mailman from Alaska USA, aka the killer of Alpha Flight) is the guy in the Guardian suit!

Also, it informed us that all of Alpha Flight, except for Walter Langkowski (Sasquatch) are definitely dead.

Here is what I wrote on the AlphaWaves Forum about this...

Well, let me just first comment on the lead topic here - that being, Mike the Mailman is in the Guardian suit.

In my viewpoint, this sucks.

I still plan on buying this series...but if i do not like the direction it is taking, i will no longer be ordering more than one copy of each issue, as previously planned.

I respect Mike Oeming, due to the interviews with him that I have read. But he is REALLY going to have to "wow" me to win me over now. God bless him, I hope he does "wow" me.

Let's be honest. This is NOT an Alpha Flight sequel. It is NOT an Alpha Flight book. Not at all. It is Omega Flight. I wish they had called it "Team Omega", I am somewhat miffed that they even waylaid the "Flight" part of the name a tiny bit.

Somebody in the suit who is not a Hudson? Not a Canadian? Not a member, or former-member, of Alpha Flight? Again, IMHO, not a good move.

I understand, somewhat, why this was done. But I still do not like it, and do not respect it. Not at all.

Respect. There is that word again. If this series does not find a way, in it's paltry number of issues, to do some real homage to AF, to find a way to make this Alpha-lover's heart soar again, then i sincerely hope it dies a nasty and silent death...and then somebody, somewhere down the line, says "Hey, why don't we bring back Alpha Flight!" Respect. All i want is some real respect and decency shown to my favourite heroes. So far, nothing. I need for you to "Wow" me, Mr Oeming, if you can...

Since this is not Alpha Flight...I sure do hope that Sasquatch does not join them. I do not mind if he is in the mini-series, but I hope at the end that he goes his own way. This is not his team. This is not AF. Sasquatch has been a member of AF since the beginning, a member through all three incarnations/volumes. Talisman...OF can have her. She was only a part-time, sometimes member of AF in volume 1, and she was not even present in the other two series. She is not really an AF member, so OF can have her. Doesn't matter to me. But they cannot have my Sasquatch to keep! Never!

Mike the Mailman in the suit...only an American with no understanding of what AF means/meant to this country would dare to do something that assinine.
(My apologies to all Americans who love AF for that comment...)

Thursday, March 08, 2007


I have already placed my online orders for the first two issues of the new Omega Flight mini-series.
I am eagerly awaiting the commencement of this series. Hopefully, it is everything I have been waiting for, and more.
To quote Earthworm Jim; "Only time will tell, Fuzz Buddy, only time will tell."

Reviewing AF Vol 1 Issues 21-30

Volume 1, Issue 21
April 1985
Art by John Byrne
Story by John Byrne
Title: "Love Wrought New Alchemy..."

Art - 7
Story - 7
Intangibles - 10


Volume 1, Issue 22
May 1985
Art by John Byrne
Story by John Byrne
Title: Rub-Out

Art - 8
Story - 6
Intangibles - 7


Volume 1, Issue 23
June 1985
Art by John Byrne
Story by John Byrne
Title: Night Of The Beast

Art - 9
Story - 10
Intangibles - 10


Volume 1, Issue 24
July 1985
Art by John Byrne
Story by John Byrne
Title: Final Conflict

Art - 10
Story - 9
Intangibles - 9


Volume 1, Issue 25
August 1985
Art by John Byrne
Story by John Byrne
Title: ...And Graves Give Up Their Dead...

Art - 10
Story - 10
Intangibles - 9


Volume 1, Issue 26
September 1985
Art by John Byrne
Story by John Byrne
Title: If At First You Don't Succeed...

Art - 10
Story - 10
Intangibles - 10


Volume 1, Issue 27
October 1985
Art by John Byrne
Story by John Byrne
Title: Betrayal

Art - 10
Story - 7
Intangibles - 6


Volume 1, Issue 28
November 1985
Art by John Byrne
Story by John Byrne
Title: Cross-Over

Art - 10
Story - 7
Intangibles - 8


Volume 1, Issue 29
December 1985
Art by Mike Mignola
Story by Bill Mantlo
Title: Cut Bait & Run!

Art - 6
Story - 7
Intangibles - 8


Volume 1, Issue 30
January 1986
Art by Mike Mignola
Story by Bill Mantlo
Title: Enter...Scramble!

Art - 6
Story - 10
Intangibles - 7


In my opinion, these ten issues of Volume 1 of Alpha Flight were a tumultuous mess. Mr John Byrne seemed to have grown tired of his creation (and indeed would leave this comic for the Incredible Hulk before issue 29), although he did give us a few lasting masterpieces here with the reforming of Omega Flight, Walter Langkowski's death at the hands of Snowbird, and the return of Guardian; also, the look on Delphine Courtney's face in issue 28 when Madison Jeffries shows up is simply a priceless comics moment. One of the lowest points would be The Beyonder crossover. The artistry is lacking, to say the least; Byrne was starting to get a bit sloppy with his art, while the new work of Mike Mignola lended itself to dark and crowded panels that detracted from what was going on rather than highlighting it. Although Bill Mantlo brought plenty of fresh ideas to Alpha's plate, he also had a bad tendency to fill up entire pages with overlapping word balloons and thought bubbles due to his over-exhuberance to explain himself, and to have every character explain their every action and thought. This was definitely a low point in the history of AF comics.

Particularly strong comics overall is issue 26, followed by 23 and 25.

All in all, on a scale of 300, these ten issues scored 253.
This is an average of 25.3/30 for each of these ten comics.
Percentage score is 84.3%.

Letter grade for these ten comics = B

I hope you enjoyed my review of these comics.

On to the next batch of ten! Click below!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Reviewing AF Vol 1 Issues 11-20

Volume 1, Issue 11
June 1984
Art by John Byrne
Story by John Byrne
Title: a) Set-Up
b) Unleash The Beast

Art - 10
Story - 10
Intangibles - 10


Volume 1, Issue 12
July 1984
Art by John Byrne
Story by John Byrne
Title: ...And One Shall Surely Die

Art - 10
Story - 10
Intangibles - 10


Volume 1, Issue 13
August 1984
Art by John Byrne
Story by John Byrne
Title: Nightmare!

Art - 10
Story - 10
Intangibles - 9


Volume 1, Issue 14
September 1984
Art by John Byrne
Story by John Byrne
Title: Biology Class

Art - 10
Story - 10
Intangibles - 10


Volume 1, Issue 15
October 1984
Art by John Byrne
Story by John Byrne
Title: Blind Date

Art - 9
Story - 9
Intangibles - 10


Volume 1, Issue 16
November 1984
Art by John Byrne
Story by John Byrne
Title: ...And Forsaking All Others...

Art - 8
Story - 10
Intangibles - 8


Volume 1, Issue 17
December 1984
Art by John Byrne
Story by John Byrne
Title: Dreams Die Hard...

Art - 10
Story - 10
Intangibles - 10


Volume 1, Issue 18
March 1984
Art by John Byrne
Story by John Byrne
Title: How Long Will A Man Lie In The Earth 'Ere He Rot ?

Art - 9
Story - 8
Intangibles - 9


Volume 1, Issue 19
February 1985
Art by John Byrne
Story by John Byrne
Title: Turn Again, Turn Again, Time In Thy Flight...

Art - 8
Story - 8
Intangibles - 10


Volume 1, Issue 20
March 1985
Art by John Byrne
Story by John Byrne
Title: Gold And Love Affairs!

Art - 9
Story - 10
Intangibles - 10


In my opinion, these ten issues of Volume 1 of Alpha Flight were solid comics, but a little hit and miss in some spots.While the Omega Flight/Jerome Jaxon/Death Of Mac storyline in these first two issues plays out like an intense dream, absolutely taking one's breath away, the series begins to show a little lack of lustre afterwards, as if meandering while Mr Byrne decides which direction he thinks he should take. The artistry is still beautiful. John Byrne does a masterful job of storytelling, at least he does at times, althought some of these stories begin to take on the feel of being just a shade forced. His storytelling seems to pick up again as he brings the Master back on to the main stage, but also grows stagnant as he fills in with stories about dreams and nightmares, a visit by Wolverine, and the ever-unpopular Gilded Lily. Mr Byrne's stories become slightly more pensive and thoughtful, moody sometimes and more upbeat sometimes as he fleshes out the characters by having them interact and discuss their feelings. Although at this point the series is still in strong hands, the feeling is that there is a slight wavering happening which could be the beginnings of Mr Byrne's run coming to an end.

Particularly strong comics overall are issues 11, 12, 14 and 17.

All in all, on a scale of 300, these ten issues scored 284.
This is an average of 28.4/30 for each of these ten comics.
Percentage score is 94.6%.

Letter grade for these ten comics = A

I hope you enjoyed my review of these comics.

On to the next batch of ten! Click below!

Reviewing AF Vol 1 Issues 1-10

Volume 1, Issue 1
August 1983
Art by John Byrne
Story by John Byrne
Title: Tundra!

Art - 10
Story - 9
Intangibles - 10


Volume 1, Issue 2
September 1983
Art by John Byrne
Story by John Byrne
Title: a) Shadows Of The Past
b) In The Beginning...

Art - 9
Story - 8
Intangibles - 9


Volume 1, Issue 3
October 1983
Art by John Byrne
Story by John Byrne
Title: a) Yesterday Man
b) Purpose

Art - 9
Story - 10
Intangibles - 10


Volume 1, Issue 4
November 1983
Art by John Byrne
Story by John Byrne
Title: Resolutions!

Art - 10
Story - 10
Intangibles - 10


Volume 1, Issue 5
December 1983
Art by John Byrne
Story by John Byrne
Title: a) What Fools These Mortals Be...
b) Deathwatch

Art - 9
Story - 9
Intangibles - 10


Volume 1, Issue 6
January 1984
Art by John Byrne
Story by John Byrne
Title: a) Snowblind
b) The Old Ways

Art - 10
Story - 8
Intangibles - 10


Volume 1, Issue 7
February 1984
Art by John Byrne
Story by John Byrne
Title: a) The Importance Of Being Deadly
b) Let A Child Be Born

Art - 9
Story - 10
Intangibles - 10


Volume 1, Issue 8
March 1984
Art by John Byrne
Story by John Byrne
Title: a) Cold Hands Cold Heart
b) Genesis

Art - 9
Story - 10
Intangibles - 10


Volume 1, Issue 9
April 1984
Art by John Byrne
Story by John Byrne
Title: a) Things Aren't Always What They Seem
b) A Stranger In My Mirror

Art - 10
Story - 10
Intangibles - 10


Volume 1, Issue 10
May 1984
Art by John Byrne
Story by John Byrne
Title: a) Blood Battle
b) Family Ties

Art - 10
Story - 9
Intangibles - 9


In my opinion, these first ten issues of Volume 1 of Alpha Flight were solid comics. There were very few hiccups or complaints. The artistry is beautiful and rich; you have to love the way that Mr Byrne draws such characters as Guardian, Aurora, Puck, and Sasquatch. John Byrne does a masterful job of storytelling, and manages to pull in and use members of the mainstream Marvel universe while still highlighting Alpha Flight themselves. He can also easily break down the team concept and have stories that focus on one or two of the Alphans, and manage to keep the stories strong. His art is quite good, particularly when he brings in well-known characters like Namor, Sue Storm, and the Super Skrull. He draws back-stories well, making them seem like memories (in the past tense). He is also particularly good at drawing the faces of Aurora, Mac, and Walter. John Byrne brings in established villains, as well as creating some powerful and intriguing villains of Alpha's very own.

Particularly strong comics overall are issues 4 and 9.

All in all, on a scale of 300, these ten issues scored 286.
This is an average of 28.6/30 for each of these ten comics.
Percentage score is 95.3%.

Letter grade for these ten comics = A

I hope you enjoyed my review of these comics.

On to the next batch of ten! Click below!