Thursday, October 07, 2010

The Future of The Flight


The Future of The Flight:

With AF coming back together for the Chaos War: Alpha Flight one-shot, and with Mac and Heather and Shaman and Marina returning from the dead to join with Sasquatch, Snowbird, Northstar and Aurora, plus with Puck showing up and fighting alongside (?) Wolverine in Hell in Wolverine issue 3, this seems like as good a time as any to speak about what the future of Alpha Flight is (or should be).

It has been said before that Alpha Flight is a family. A bit of a dysfunctional one, but a family nonetheless.

Well, a team of costumed freaks does not a family make. A team of costumed freaks is nothing more than “a job”, not a family. The only way to show the family relationships between the members of Alpha Flight, is to spend just as much time showing their lives away from the masks and capes as they do showing them wearing them. I want to see my heroes interact with each other at coffee shops, at gold tournaments, during a night of drinking, at the local shopping mall, and at the beach. I want to see them paying their bills, just as much as I want to see them kicking Stilt-Man’s arse.

I want my heroes to be, first and foremost, people. Because people matter, more than heroes do.

So, what I want to see the people who are tasked with writing and drawing The Flight do, is to take that into account. Less fights with super-villains, and more real life stuff. I want to know and care about them as people first, and as heroes second.

And I want Alpha Flight’s reaction to the death of Diamond Lil. I want their reaction to the fact that Wolverine never came to pay his respects when they all died. I want their reaction to Sasquatch drinking himself silly after their deaths and then forming a group called OMEGA Flight that included their killer and a couple of American heroes.

I want to know what they think, and what makes them tick. Then, and only then, do I want to see them go and toss around The Master or The Great Beasts.

I want my Alpha Flight back, the way they were intended to be written; As people.

Because, without this, there is no future for Alpha Flight.


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